Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bringing New Members Into Your Online Business

So in my last blog post I talked about joining an affiliate program as a way to start your own home based Internet marketing business.

For the most part an affiliate program is a great way to go for most people but there are definite pitfalls.

Here's the granddaddy of them all.... recruiting new members.

In most cases your income is going to rely on your ability as a recruiter. In other words bringing new members or business partners into your business is how you're going to make money. Here in lies the reason why most people fail at Internet marketing. Just my opinion but I bet you could find more than just a handful of people that would agree with me. Once again I want to stress again that I'm not trying to discourage you from starting your business. Recruiting is not impossible. It takes time and in most cases some financial investment for things like advertising. In my next blog I'm going to discuss why recruiting, or the lack of it, kills most online marketing hopefuls.

Brian Downie
The Friendly Internet Marketer

Publish Post

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